Spring at TNCS: Renewal, Blossoming, and Song

The season of spring at The New Century School is poignant in so many ways. While spring reawakens us and our surrounding environment, bringing everything back to life, it also represents a time of completion and of endings at TNCS. The school year draws to a close, and students will be moving on to what comes next in their academic journeys, whether that’s transitioning from one division to the next, like preprimary to primary or primary to elementary, or graduating middle school and leaving TNCS for high school.

At the beginning of the 2022–2023 school year, TNCS Head of School Erika Johnson established a goal: One school, One program, One community. Now, we get to see how the seeds she planted and nurtured throughout the year have blossomed.

Mother’s Day/Caregiver’s Day Celebration

One of the best representations of TNCS unity is the Mother’s Day/Caregiver’s Day Celebration, in which each classroom (or division) hosts a luncheon for moms and caregivers, providing a much-loved opportunity for parents to mingle with their children in their actual habitat. This long-held TNCS tradition is as special for students as it is for their parents.

Kindergarten through Grade 3

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TNCS Spring Concert

Another thing that Ms. Johnson did at the very beginning of the school year was to bring beloved Music Director Martellies Warren back into the TNCS fold. And if there’s one thing Mr. Warren does right (okay, he does everything right), it’s the TNCS Spring Concert!

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