TNCS Rings in Year of the Ox with Lunar New Year Game Night!

Last year might have marked The New Century School‘s first-ever Lunar New Year Event, but, not to be outdone, this year’s event on Thursday, February 11th was the first-ever virtual Lunar New Year Event and the first-ever Game Night!

Hosted by TNCS Chinese teachers Wei Li and Pei Ge, the evening was full of fun and games and was exceptionally well intended by students in divisions K–8th-grade as well as their families. Señora Duncan provided opening and closing remarks.

It’s safe to say that no one left disappointed. Whether Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, or Pig, everyone in the audience enjoyed the competition and the chance to experience some Chinese culture.

The night chosen had very special significance as well: Lunar New Year’s Eve is traditionally the night when families gather and dine together. Togetherness was very much a part of this evening, as individual families joined in on the zoom where they merged with the larger TNCS family. We hope Li Laoshi and Ge Laoshi felt the abundant love locally, even if they couldn’t be in China with their immediate families.

The format of the evening was divided into timed sets of trivia, classified by division. The only rules were: 1. Brush up on your Chinese culture knowledge beforehand and 2. Wear red!

Oh, and have two devices handy—one to view the Kahoot screen and another to submit your answers.

Here are some special moments from the lively and very well put-together trivia game. Some answer choices (for students) were even in Chinese, meaning that players had to put their ability to read Chinese to work!

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The first-, second-, and third-place winners in each of four groups (K, 1/2, 3–8, parents) will be awarded special prizes in the form of Year of the Ox decorations. The winners from first place to third place in Kindergarten are Nathan, Karim, and Clara, and, in the 1st- and 2nd-grade groups, Ariel, Adam, and Bay. The photos below show the winners from the Parents’ and 3rd- through 8th-grade groups.

After the event, the compliments poured in, congratulating and thanking the TNCS Chinese team for their wonderful efforts at bringing us all together to honor each other and bring good luck to the year ahead. Here is a smattering of the many testimonials:Read more about Year of the Ox (and other members of the Chinese zodiac) here!

新年快乐 / 新年快樂!

Xīnnián kuàile!

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